Fermentation can only be learned by doing. During our challenge you will ferment with a group of other enthusiasts, with the guidance from an experienced fermentation chef.

After completing this fermentation challenge you will have at least 10 ferments made in your own kitchen.

You'll learn lacto-fermented vegetables, sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented sauces, yogurt, soft cheese and nut-free vegan cheese, kombucha, fermented soda, and much more.

It takes generations to collect and learn these fermentation techniques and recipes. You'll do it in 8 weeks, and new skills will serve you for the rest of your life.



Basics of Lacto-Fermentation,
Fermentation Without Salt, Sauerkraut

We'll cover all the basics of traditional vegetable fermentation at home, including safety. You'll learn the art of creating sauerkraut, with different types of cabbages and flavour combinations.

Fermentation in Brine,
Vegetables and Salads

You'll master the concept of gut-healing lacto-fermented vegetables, with 12+ vegetable recipes and combinations for every season, including signature fermented salads

Kimchi Method
Beyond Napa Cabbage

How to make kimchi, including a vegetrian option. Besides classic cabbage kimchi, you'll learn how to make it from eggplants, carrots, broccoli and carrots

Fermented Chillies and
Chilli Sauces

Various types of chilli sauces and chilli fermentation

Ketchup, Mustard, Chutney

Fermented ketchup, mustard, and even flavourful Indian lemon chutney

Yoghurt and Soft Cheese
Vegan Nut-Free Cheese

Learn how to make yoghurt and do vegetable ferments in yoghurt, as well as simple soft cheeses, incl. nut-free vegan cheese

Fermented Drinks

Learn to make ginger soda, and an ancient fermented Mexican drink Tepache

Medicinal Ferments

You'll learn how to make ferments that were traditionally used to boost the immune system. It includes oxymels, herbs fermented in honey, garlic, and beet kvass

Advanced Ferments,
Ancient Traditional Recipes

As a bonus, you'll get access to the video tutorials of traditional recipes, that were collected personally by Mirna Bamieh over years. It includes Egyptian stuffed lemons, stuffed eggplants and cilli peppeprs.

About Mirna Bamieh

(Your Teaching Instructor)

Mirna Bamieh is a chef, an artist, and the founder of the Palestinian Hosting Society. During the last two years, she's been researching various fermentation techniques in traditional kitchens of the world and putting them into practice in her own fermentation station.

Mirna runs culinary projects and hosts tables all around the world, and she is the creator of The Art of Fermented Foods. Mirna is on a mission to preserve traditional recipes and give them the attention they deserve in our kitchens, and in our societies.

Why learn about fermented foods and add them to your diet? 

Some people love to ferment vegetables just for the fun and taste of it, but there are plenty of reasons to include them in your diet. They are backed by science and thousands (!) of years of healthy nutrition traditions.

Fermented foods are the source number one for healthy natural probiotics, which ensures a healthy gut and improves the entire digestion system. Fermentation process largely reduces anti-nutrient content, and improves absorption of nutrients from other products you consume. And of course, fermentation is a wonderful way to preserve the foods and benefit from their vitamins even when they are out of season.

Fermented foods are the healthiest, cheapest and some of the most delicious super foods available in the world. Starting from learning how to ferment vegetables simply, and how to create live-saving fermented drinks, our course will introduce you to various traditional fermentation techniques.


Get inspired by Mirna Bamieh's Work at her Fermentation Station:

What makes our course so unique?


Fermentation can only be learned through practice.

The Art of Fermented Foods is not another online course which you'll buy and never complete. By the end of the course you'll have at least 8 colorful jars and bottles with the ready ferments, made by different methods, with various flavours. The new skills will nurture you and your families for generations to come.

All our classes and materials are based on traditional knowledge from different countries, which is not easily accessible. Most of it you would only learn from a grandmother, and we are proud to be able to preserve this valuable culinary wisdom.

Here are all the techniques you will learn, after joining the Intensive Fermentation Course:

  • How to ferment vegetables, following lacto-fermentation
  • Technique for pickling in brine, oil, yoghurt and spiced sauces
  • Classic fermented foods: kimchi, sauerkraut, cucumber pickles, preserved lemons, radish, tomatoes, jalapeños, chillies, aubergines etc.
  • How to grow a ginger bug and make fermented drinks using it
  • How to make fermented sauces, that will last forever - particularly, how to make original ketchup at home
  • Unique flavour pairings and the use of spices in fermentation
  • Fermentation techniques from the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Mediterranean, India and Korea
  • How to introduce fermented foods in your diet: recipes and food hacks
  • Various techniques for fermenting vegetables with spices; how to make fermented drinks, cheese and even flowers
  • Fermented soft cheese and yoghurt ferments, including labneh cheese
  • Vegan cheese of the Middle East (Kishk), made from fermented bulgur (the only nut-free vegan cheese!)
  • Advanced fermentation techniques, lilke chillies stuffed with different vegetables and spices
  • Two rare recipes of traditional Chili Sauces: Zhug (Yemeni Green Chilli Sauce) and Shatta (red chilli sauce)
  • Recipes for zero-waste kitchen, how to ferment what normally goes to waste, but in reality is full of nutrition: Tepache (Mexican drink from pineapple peels) and pickled Watermelon Rinds
  • Fermentation in honey
  • Ancient healthy elixir: garilc and herbaloxymel
  • Flavourful fermented spreads (fermented garlic paste and mish yoghurt)
  • Different types of kimchi, made with aubergine, broccoli and carrot
  • Fermented Hibiscus flowers
  • Classic mustard (yes, the classic mustard is fermented!)
  • Spicy Indian lemon chutney
  • Fermenting vegetables without salt